ShoutCast Now playing for Twitter

You can find the instructions here for inserting a #Nowplaying script on your twitter feed.

This tutorial only works with shoutcast v1 servers.  (If you need V2  please contact us)

Please note you are accepting to use this script at your own risk. 


Here are the basic instructions;

1) You will need a valid Twitter acccount. 

2) Go to   and generate API keys

3) You will need a webserver or a hosting account that will support PHP in order to host the config files.

4) Download the twitter files here 

5) Upload those files to the root of your hosting account

6) Enter all your API keys by editing the twitter.php file. Edit you shoutcast server details then save & upload to your webhost.

7) Open the webpage in a browser to point to the location of your file twitter.php For example

8) If the installation was successful you should now have your songs that are playing displayed on your twitter feed.

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