As a radio station or DJ it is important to be seen on mobile devices. Get a mobile app for your radio station and be heard by potential millions of listeners. Currently the number of smartphone users is around 2.5 billion, which represents about 36 percent of the world population. This number continues to grow and it is projected that over 3 billion people in the world will be a smartphone user. Are you now convinced that your radio station needs a mobile application? However, before planning the creation of your mobile app for your radio station, there are a few aspects to consider.
1- Create Your OWN Application
You want to create a mobile radio application that reflects best your radio station. There is nothing more annoying than having your radio station on a third party application that is loaded with irritating publicity. Although it is tempting to use free solutions that are full of listener annoyances, do yourself a favor and invest in a solution that will offer a fluid experience for your listeners. Radiosolution offers an affordable app builder easy-to-use solution that allows you to create your own radio mobile application. You can easily update the app as much as you wish. Our app builder is fully supported and is always running and respecting the latest mobile technological standards.

2- Use a Cross-Platform Solution
Do not waste time and money using solutions that do not offer cross-platform compatibility between Android and iPhones. Many application builder solutions are behind times and not listening to the requirements of radio station owners, offering single platform solutions such as Android OR iPhone. If you have the budget to spend on custom applications on both platforms go ahead. However, beware that you will probably be sinking thousands of dollars in maintenance fees and updates. Your freelancer programmer or I.T. development firm will love invoicing you! That is to say, if they are not too busy or decide to disappear with the source code. And then, even worse, you find out that your custom app is no longer supported by Google/Apple and needs a major re haul. We have seen this a million times and what a nightmare it is! Radiosolution’s app builder is a cross-platform, fully supported solution that will allow you to build your radio station app on a reasonable budget.

3- Publish to AppStore and Google Play
Building an application that will be accepted to AppStore or Google Play can prove to be a tedious and long process. It is crucial to have your app on at least Google Play Store and the Apple AppStore. Google requires a one-time registration fee of $25. Submitting to Apple is more expensive. They charge an Apple App Store fee of $99 per year. It is recommended to start with Google Play since the process of submitting is easier and you will get more visibility. Afterwards, proceed with Apple AppStore. It is true that their fees are more important, especially since you may be starting out, but try to find the cash to submit eventually.

4- Display your Radio Station Content Clearly
With a radio smartphone application, thanks to easy website integration you can be sure your content will display perfectly. You can share your social media pages like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can add your own logo and colors. With a conveniently located share button, people can share your station with their friends. A radio mobile application is so convenient; it is all just a tap of the button away. It is so much more convenient than simply browsing your website with the smartphone’s navigator. Another great idea is to integrate podcasts or past shows using the RSS feature. Wake up your listeners to the sound of your radio station thanks to the alarm feature. You can schedule multiple alarms during the week. Another great feature you need on your mobile application is push notifications. What a great way to communicate with your audience in real time!

5- Compatibility on Other Devices
When you build a radio mobile app for smartphones, your application will work on other devices such as; tablets and smart TVs. However, you will need to take in to consideration adjusting the images for the different layouts and sizes that these devices require. A good app builder will walk you through this process by telling you the exact sizes of images needed. Radiosolution’s appbuilder will help get your radio station in your listener’s living room and even their vehicles!

6- Consider Monetization
Now that you have considered all the aspects involved in creating a radio station mobile application, it is time to begin! Let Radiosolution help you get started by considering their app builder. It is affordable and easy to use.
Although we mentioned that ads can be annoying to listeners, if a good balance is found without irritating your listeners, then by all means give it a shot. Any radio station could use a little extra revenue for expenses. Google’s advertising platform AdMob will help you earn revenue with in-app ads. This feature can be activated or not in our Radiosolution app builder.

Get Started Today
Now that you have considered all of the aspects involved in creating a radio station mobile application, it is time to begin! Let Radiosolution help you get started by considering their app builder. It is affordable and easy to use.
If you have a radio station with another provider you can still use our radio app builder! Just click here and pay only once you have completed the application.
If you are a Radiosolution client then you can just purchase the ADD-ON to your service in your client area and benefit from a 50% rebate.
You can contact us anytime.