Radio can be so much more than just playing your everyday Pop song. Of course, there is nothing wrong with good catchy tunes, but thanks to the power of radio there are so many other possibilities. You have the ability to be heard, start revolutions, spread messages, change lives and reach people around the globe. Yes! You can change the world! Radio has changed the world and it can do it over and over again.

We realize some radio stations are already doing this, but they are not getting the recognition they deserve. Radiosolution is curious to know what you are doing differently. So we want to hear about your “unique” radio station. It is time that a great idea is finally rewarded. For that reason, we will pick one “unique radio station” winner August 1st, 2019 and you can chance earning a complete package for your radio station. This is what the “doing it differently with radio” prize package will include:
- A featured article about your radio station
- A featured spot in our newsletter
- One year paid SHOUTcast or Icecast server
- Six months paid basic Video Hosting Package
- Custom produced radio drop/ID by Dibblebee
- Free membership to Radio Resources at
You Have a Great Idea
OK so maybe you do not have a radio station, but you have a great idea? You can participate as well! We want to hear about your idea! You can win everything you need to get your project started! This is our way to enable you to get that great idea started with zero startup costs. We will pick one “unique radio station IDEA” winner August 1st, 2019 and you can earn a complete package for your radio station. The package includes:
- Basic website with Radio Player
- One year paid Website Basic Hosting
- One year paid SHOUTcast or Icecast server
- Custom produced radio drop/ID by Dibblebee
- Free Android App submitted to Google Play Store
- Free membership to Radio Resources at
So that is a total of two prize packages, one for a great radio station already running and another for the great idea. All you have to do is fill out the form below and tell us about your idea! We can not wait to help!